Committee of Management (COM)

Blackburn Preschool is managed by a voluntary Committee of Management (COM), which is elected from the parent group annually. The COM is made up of 12 voting members who meet monthly. The Committee supports the teaching team and program, manages the budget and takes responsibility for compliance with rules and regulations. There are a range of positions, including President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Enrolments, Grants, Marketing, Maintenance, Social and Fundraising.

Some responsibilities of the COM include:

  • employment of staff and related issues (i.e. payment of salaries)

  • payment of preschool running costs incurred throughout the year

  • managing the enrolments and the enrolment process

  • maintenance of the building, grounds and equipment, and

  • coordinating social and fundraising events for preschool families.

In addition, there is also an opportunity for parents and carers to volunteer as a member of the ‘Friends of Blackburn Preschool’, which meet when needed to assist the Social and Fundraising coordinators in organising specific events for the preschool community.

It is the dedication and enthusiasm of parent volunteers that make Blackburn Preschool such a vibrant and welcoming community. Parent participation is vital to the operation of the preschool and ensures that it is the Blackburn Preschool community that shapes our children’s learning environment. We welcome and greatly appreciate parent involvement.


Our policies are guided by the National Quality Frameworks and National Regulations. Hard copies of our policies can be found in the Parent Folder located on the outdoor Information shelf.

Policy Definitions

Quality Area 1 – Educational program and practice

Educational Program

Inclusion and Equity

Quality Area 2 – Children's health and safety

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations

Administration of First Aid

Administration of Medication

Anaphylaxis and Allergic Reactions


Child Safe Environment

Dealing with Infectious Diseases

Dealing with Medical Conditions

Delivery and Collection of Children


Emergency and Evacuation

Epilepsy and Seizures

eSafety for Children

Excursions and Service Events

Food Safety


Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Nutrition, Oral Health and Active Play

Sleep and Rest

Road Safety Education and Safe Transport

Sun Protection

Supervision of Children

Tobacco, E-Cigarettes, Alcohol and other Drugs

Water Safety

Quality Area 3 – Physical environment

Animals at Kinder

Occupational Health and Safety

Environmental Sustainability

Quality Area 4 – Staffing arrangements

Code of Conduct

Determining Responsible Person

Participation of Volunteers and Student


Quality Area 5 – Relationships with children

Interaction with Children

Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities

Enrolment and Orientation

Enrolment and Orientation: Free Kindergarten

Quality Area 7 – Governance and leadership

Compliments and Complaints

Fees – Free Kinder

Governance and Management of a Service

Information and Communication Technology

Occupational Violence and Aggression

Prevention of Harassment and Bullying

Privacy and Confidentiality

Staff Grievances and Dispute Resolution
